How Sizi Clockify works

Sizi Clockify is an Alexa skill for Clockify. Clockify, from COING Inc, is a great time tracking app. It offers a free and a paid version. Sizi Clockify allows you to track time by voice, from anywhere, using Alexa. You can start and stop the Clockify time tracker by voice commands. It saves you time and helps you develop great productivity habits.

"Alexa, open Sizi Clockify"

"Alexa, start Sizi Clockify"

"Alexa, launch Sizi Clockify"

If you say any of the above commands, Alexa connects you with Sizi Clockify. Sizi Clockify will welcome you and be ready to take your commands.

"Start timer" - Starts the Clockify time tracker (with no associated project).

"Start timer for Physical Exercise project" - Starts the Clockify time tracker and associates Physical Exercise project with it. In this example, we assumed you have a project named Physical Exercise already set up in Clockify. You'll use your projects that you have set up in Clockify.

"Stop timer" - Stops the Clockify time tracker and captures a time entry.

"Is my timer running" - Tells you if you have the time tracker currently running. It also tells you if you have already associated a project or not.

"Update current timer with Physical Exercise project" - Associates Physical Exercise project with your running time tracker. In this example, we assumed you have a project named Physical Exercise already set up in Clockify. Sometimes we start the time tracker without specifying a project. This command allows you to associate a project later or before you stop the time tracker.

"Discard timer" - Discards currently running timer. Sometimes we start time tracking, but realize we got distracted and want to discard the running timer. This command helps you do that.

"Change default project to Household Chores" - Sometimes we have a project that we work on everyday, maybe even multiple times a day. Sizi Clockify lets you set the default project with this command. Household Chores is just an example project here.

"Start default timer" - After you have set up your default project using the above command, you can say start default timer to start the time tracker with your default project. According to the above example, Sizi Clockify will start the time tracker and associate the Household Chores project.

"What can you do" - When you ask this, Sizi Clockify tells you about what it can do for you and what are some of the common commands you can use. Feel free to take this help whenever you need it.

With Alexa, you don't have to say the commands exactly as stated above. Alexa provides a natural voice experience. Say what naturally comes in your mind when you want to request an action. Most of the time, it will work. Sometimes it may not. Tell us at if you feel something should work, but not working.

In reality, communicating with Alexa and Sizi Clockify is even faster. In one command, you can get the job done. Examples:

"Alexa, open Sizi Clockify and start timer for Physical Exercise project"

"Alexa, ask Sizi Clockify if my timer is running"

"Alexa, tell Sizi Clockify to stop timer"

"Alexa, start Sizi Clockify and update timer with Household Chores"

We hope you use Sizi Clockify and be more productive.